
The Data-Highway project aims to generate value in the Tourism and Cultural Heritage supply chain in Sicily through the strategic use of Open Data. The goal is to increase the competitiveness of businesses and involve various actors in the creation and use of knowledge. The project aims to foster collaboration and the development of innovative solutions for tourism and cultural heritage by providing an open data infrastructure that supports new opportunities and solutions. This infrastructure will consist of a federation of multi-disciplinary digital repositories enriched according to the specifications of the semantic web and observing the paradigm of so-called Linked Data and software services for the analysis of Open Data generated by the project and/or needed for validating use case implementations. This will stimulate the economic and social growth of the region by providing structured and reliable access to data about Sicily. The proposed solution offers a comprehensive approach for the access, processing and use of Linked Open Data, ensuring a continuous and up-to-date data flow for various applications. Translated with (free version)

The data


Data transformation

Extracted data are transformed and cleaned using ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes. During transformation, data are cleaned by correcting errors, duplicates, and irrelevancies. Data are normalized and enriched for use in various application contexts.

Data storage

The transformed and cleaned data are stored in the Data-Highway infrastructure in the cloud. Data storage is done according to the European standard NGSI-LD, promoting interoperability, analysis and efficient information retrieval.

Esposizione dei dati

I dati elaborati vengono esposti tramite API o interfacce utente, permettendo un accesso intuitivo e efficiente, sfruttando Artificial Intelligence quando necessario. Le API possono integrare i dati in altri sistemi o applicazioni esterne.

Data acquisition

Using a combination of web scraping and URL analysis, supported by machine learning, AI and LLM, linked data related to Sicily are extracted from provider sites, including government portals and open data provided by private operators, both large (such as OpenStreetMap) and local. Where APIs or an endpoint are available for direct access to the data, these methods are preferred to extract the data in a structured and efficient manner, building spatiotemporal queries for extraction.

Data processing and analysis

Stored data are ready for processing and analysis, meeting the needs of current and future applications. AI and LLM tools are used for natural language analysis and to extract useful insights from the data.

Monitoraggio e manutenzione

A continuous monitoring system ensures data availability and integrity. Regular maintenance processes are defined to update and manage changes in data and sources.

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