Use case

The activity involves the development of demonstrators and the adoption of the latest technologies, such as the standard NGSI-LD for the integration of heterogeneous Linked Data and the use of AI and LLM (Large Language Models), which will be tested on the various use cases.


Data On Travel: Vertical Social Network for Territorial Tourism

Develop an innovative application for territorial tourism by leveraging Linked Open Data. DOT creates a social vertical network dedicated to the tourism, combining Big Data and data generated by users to offer personalized tourism experiences and predictive and proactive services.


Web platform for the dissemination and use of regional data in tourism in Linked Open Data format

Creation of a web platform for the dissemination and use of tourism data regional data in Linked Open Data format. The users can browse the data, create guided and customized queries through dedicated endpoints.


Smart Tourism

Enhances mountain hiking as a tourism resource through technologies innovative technologies, with the creation of an interactive Web and a connected App to plan and track hikes, share experiences and provide useful data. Making trail data available through Open Linked Data, improving the attractiveness of the natural resources of parks and reserves.


Proactive monitoring and control of natural and cultural assets

Aims to create a prototype tomograph of a transportable neutron tomograph to study samples stone from the historic architecture of Sicily eastern Sicily. Fast neutron tomography, sensitive to water seepage, makes it possible to analyze the Baroque rocks of the Valley of Noto, a UNESCO heritage site. Analyses will be performed on unaltered and degraded samples, comparing results to understand degradation processes. Further tests will be done on samples treated with innovative protective and consolidating products to test the effects in water interaction phenomena.


Trinacria Tokens: Blockchain and AI for tourism

Trinacria Tokens aims to revolutionize the tourism experience in Sicily through the use of blockchain, augmented reality, Artificial Intelligence and gamification. The platform will be accessible through a mobile application that will offer a wide range of integrated services for tourists, local businesses, and local and regional authorities.
